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When your business and personal life are both challenged, you have to start thinking and giving more.

I feel I'm drowning!
I know how you feel.
We all have to survive and support our families financially.
If you have people in your business you have more responsibility to take care of them and their families too.


Let's see why it is essential to take care of your clients in these times.

Even if you can't make money out of it on the spot – after you took care of yourself – both financially and health-related. Yes, not money is the key to your business success now. (You can still make money, or even win if you take your business online. But you have to be extremely sensible.)

So, what is the key to your future success, now?
Humanity, support, value, engagement, entertainment.

We will be all locked up in our homes – sooner or later.
And by knowing human nature, we always want what we can't have now.
We will start to appreciate the small things and recognise those that were part of our daily lives, and we didn't even take attention to anymore.
Everyone will need help these days.
And you can help your community, your audience.
We all have some expertise that we could offer to our clients to help them overcome these times.

If you decide to show up with a value to help your clients and customers, they will remember you.
They will know your true self.
You will become an authority.
You will become the go-to person to them in your field.
You will be planted in their subconscious forever.
Even if your business is brick and mortar, you will be the one to do business with first, after people can go back to their normal lives.

Millions of people will be online to find ideas, solutions to their problems, or just to be entertained.


How can you provide value? Look at your business. Why people do business with you?

There are some businesses which can transit to digital quite easily.

Gyms, personal trainers, coaches, multi-level marketing, consultants.
You can offer video consulting, video training, you can start your YouTube channel and provide value there.
And capture new leads to your business.

OK, but what happens to those, whose businesses are hard to go digital?

Let's say you are a beauty salon.
You cannot massage people from a distance or dye their hair.
You cannot fix someone's nail without being there in person.
What can you do?
Maybe you cannot serve your clients as you used to, but you can help them to fix some of their problems by themselves, without leaving their homes.
Provide them tips and solutions until they can come to you again.
Ideally, you already have a CRM in place to collect their email addresses.
If yes, you can send out an email to tell them that you are here to help them with their daily beauty challenges until they can book you again.
So, they can opt-in to your emails.
You could say, then they will solve their problems and won't need me anymore?
Well, yes and no. We have seen several times that people want to know who is behind the business and link with them. They want to know if that person is a real authority in their field.
They want to learn.
And in most cases, they want someone else to do it for them.

And let's see what those businesses can do, who are in the hospitality and travel industry?

Well, you are in the times when you must plant the seeds to people's subconscious.

Look at the Italians!
They are locked down, and what's going on the internet?
They show their passion for life.
They sing and make music on the balconies.
Even though we know it's not just fun and happiness is what's going on there, they naturally know how to market themselves.
They love to live. That's it.

If all countries could focus on these messages, just a little bit, it would create a fantastic country image for them.
Side note: don't fake it, because people will know it, it's not real.
This means you have to focus on the little things, the beauty in the relationships, interactions, the social distancing which brings people together over fences and balconies.
Show the appreciation of the helping hands, the overworked healthcare people, delivery people, cleaners, postmen.
And show your attractions even if they are abandoned.
It will give a different experience to people.
Most of us love to travel.
We cannot travel now physically.
But if you help people to travel in the soul, you will build a connection with them.


These are the days when you can create a bond that will last longer than an ad, or an offer.
You can plant your seeds into your potential customers' subconscious and they will come to you when they are not locked down anymore.
Or if you manage to get online, they will be happy to do business with a person like you. 

Successful businesses don't happen overnight, but they happen and grow in hardship.